Andrea Wolfram
Time to ... Relax and Heal Your Body ... with a Massage.
You deserve it.
Amethyst BioMat
I use the Amethist Biomat in all of my massage therapy treatments because of it's theraputic healing.
The BioMat was developed by a highly skilled group of scientists, medical professionals and engineers and is a FDA-approved medical device.
How it works is the BioMat delivers therapeutic
Far Infrared Rays and Negative Ions, relieving pain and restoring balance and energy to the human body.

The BioMat is made up of 17 layers and millions of amethyst crystals

What is Far Infrared Heat and why is it good for you?
FIR heat expands capillaries, stimulating increased blood flow, and aiding in cell regeneration, improved circulation and oxygenation.
Far infrared heat promotes the rebuilding of injured tissue by having a positive effect on the fibroblasts (connective tissue cells necessary for repair) and it increases the growth of cells, DNA and protein synthesis necessary during tissue repair and regeneration.
FIR energy relieves nervous tension. It reduces soreness in nerve endings and muscle spasms by heating the muscle fibers. It improves the balance of blood pressure, blood sugar, and nutrients in the cells, resulting in increased muscle strength, vitality and mental stability.
Far Infrared heat strengthens the cardiovascular system by causing heart rate and cardiac output increases, and diastolic blood pressure decreases. NASA concluded in the 1980′s, that far infrared stimulation of cardiovascular function is the ideal way to maintain cardiovascular conditioning in astronauts involved in long space flights.
Far Infrared heat speeds cellular metabolic rates by stimulating the activity of mitochondria, and triggering enzyme activity,therefore promoting the killing of many pathogens: bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.
FIR energy strengthens the immune system by stimulating increased production of white blood cells (leukocytes) by the bone marrow and killer T-cells by the thymus gland.
Negative Ions
Increasing the amount of negative ions in the blood increases the cell function and helps to absorb nutrients and eliminate and reduce waste. As the amount of negative ions increases, the gamma globulin in the blood increases resulting in blood rich in protein and antibodies. When negative ionization is introduced, the ions in calcium and sodium in the blood increases, and the blood is purified by increasing blood alkalinity.
Proven Benafits
Natural Weight Loss & Cellulite Reduction
Supports Detoxification
Stimulates Lymphatic System
Improves Cellular Metabolism
Improves Skin Tone through Circulation
Removes deep impurities
Reduces Unhealthy Stress
Soothes Tension
Reduces Migraine Occurrence
Eliminates Chronic Fatigue
Induces Depp States of Relaxation
Induces Theta & Delta Brainwaves
Increases Melatonin
Boosts Immune Function
Repairs Damaged cells
Increases Blood Oxygen Count
Speeds injury recovery